Reading about Jason Collins coming out of the closet has brought tears to my eyes. I really digged what he wrote in Sports Illustrated.
Jason's words seem to come from a very honest, thoughtful and brave place. That article will change the lives of many young athletes in all sports. Click here for the full article.
John Galliano is slowly returning from being exiled from the fashion-world due to the horrid anti-Semitic remarks he made while drowning his pain in booze.
When I was a young kid, around the age of 7 or 8, the local TV station showed old episodes of the Mickey Mouse Club from the 1950s.
It was during these broadcasts that I was introduced to Annette Funicello. I so wanted to hangout with Annette, hey all the other Mouseketeers seemed to hover around. Oh, I considered myself a Mouseketter at that time.
She could sing, act and dance en pointe! Yet, Annette was the beautiful and talented girl that was still humilde.
I even digged some of her beach movies. It helped that she had that cutie Frankie Avalon hanging with her. Yeah, Annette's world was not only filled with music and dance, but also cuteness.
She was another of those performers that helped me escape, a harsh childhood, and spend some time in a fantasy world.
She is now free from a body that was afflicted with MS, and can now transition to a new reality.