Jul 20, 2016

Life on the D Bus

It never gets boring on the D bus. Get into the latest kiki I experienced while riding the bus to work one morning. So this young guy walks in, looking very El Debarge but the hair is more restraint. He is sissying that walk for points. May he live long and prosper. So he heads to the back of the bus and I go back to reading the news on my phone. After about 10 minutes my ears pick up the following conversation involving the El Debarge looking dude and a kinda-banji white girl.

El D Looking Dude: No, I always had that ability. Since I was young I was able to pick up on people's vibrations.

Kinda Banji WG: What? What do you mean by that? You serious?

El D Looking Dude: I can read your aura and feel your vibrations.

Kinda Banji WG: Oh is that right.

El D Looking Dude: I have always been able to do it. You see, if I can read your aura and feel your vibrations, by picking up on your vibrations, then I can control your vibrations.

Kinda Banji WG: You can control my vibrations. (chuckles)

El D Looking Dude: Yes. And, if I can control your vibrations, I can control you thoughts.

Kinda Banji WG: Oh, you can control my thoughts now. (chuckles)

El D Looking Dude: Yes,

Kinda Banji WG: (laughs extremely out loud) Yo, I needed to fucking laugh. The day I am having. I needed to fucking laugh. Thank you man. Thank you.

El D Looking Dude: I know what kind of coffee you are drinking right now. I don't even have to smell it.

Kinda Banji WG: Okay. What coffee am I drinking?

El D Looking Dude: French Vanilla.

Kinda Banji WG: (makes loud buzzer sound) EEEEER! Fail! I fucking hate French Vanilla. (laughs out loud again) You are funny man, You are funny. I needed to laugh. (continues to laugh out loud)

El D Looking Dude: Maybe I should stop talking.

Kinda Banji WG: (exhales from laughing) I needed to laugh. For real.

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