Jun 25, 2006

Happy Gay Pride Month! Umm, Yeah OK

I think we should serve Pride Month with a super-size side order of ACTION. Gays are under attack in this country. And, while looking over pride events in NYC the ovewhelming majority of them focused on partying.

There should be protest and political activism carried out throughout the month. What better way to show pride? I don't think wearing a rainbow t-shirt is really relevant these days.

Think about what if throughout this month, there were speaking events and panel discussions that highlighted the work of GLBT people and organizations that are fighting to protect the civil rights of the GLBT community. What if our community learned how to better organize and fight back against the onslaught of hate we've been experiencing.

Kevin Aviance was severly beaten and Bush continues to push for a hate-based ammendment to the Constitution. Knowing this makes it hard for me to go out and see a bunch of half-naked men gyrating on a float pumping non-descript dance music.

I think I'll spend the day learning more about what I can do to make my life and that of my partner's safer, gay affirming and prouder.

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