Dec 12, 2007

Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours

Today Wal-Mart removed a pair of panties it was selling in the Juniors department. The cause for the removal was the message embroidered on the panties. The front says "Who needs credit cards?," and the rear says "When you have Santa." This message offended many female customers, especially parents. I wonder how many of these offended customers consider Pretty Woman one of their favorite hooker to riches films.

In this culture of super sweet sixteen parties, and fascination with the bling lifestyle, manufacturing a pair of panties like that would make sense. Obviously, there is a customer for that sorta undergarment.

Sex as a weapon, sex as a commodity is nothing new. I think there are a lot of young women and men that follow that pantie's philosophy. What sucks about this way of life is that it aint cute to have to wait for someone else to feed you. I'm sure it would get tired real fast.

Picture that taunt, fresh, sassy young girl that squealed with joy when she bought that pantie, 20 years down the road. I'm sure her life would look something like this:

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