Aug 30, 2011

Thank You Irene

Silly fucking me thinking the passing of Hurricane Irene was all about me. I hope I make amends via bullet points.:

- Lives were lost after Irene's passing. The lost of loved ones is profound. I turn to author Breena Clarke, she was a tutor in my after-school program, because she wrote in River, Cross My Heart:

"Losing a loved one, a family member, is like losing a tooth. After a while, those teeth remaining shift and lean and spread out to split the distance between themselves and the other teeth still left, trying to close up spaces."

- Since I didn't have the distraction of the TV and the Internet, I was visited by the dark shadows that wanted to tell me lies about my life with Marcos.

I prayed and was reminded Marcos showed me he was better than okay, and that he and I were warriors in an unjust time. Yet, Marcos and I shared our moments of bliss.

I had to truly believe I was part of seeing Marcos' transition, to the after-this-life, in order to inform my journey in my life. Marcos gave me a divine kiss.

- Mother Earth is not angry about gay marriage. She is angry about two wars killing thousands of beings, BP spilling tons of oil into the ocean. My good people, know that that damage is still floating and killing as you read this.

- It is amazing we want to control nature, yet nature always wins. Shouldn't we hear her voice and find a way to be in harmony with her.



Wonder Man said...

I can't believe people were blaming us, but I'm glad you had a moment with Marcos

Anonymous said...

I was telling my mom the exact same thing. We were in the car, traffic is everywhere because water is everywhere covering the roads and she's freaking out because of a meeting. I told her "If someone can't understand that you have no control over the water on the ground and can't get somewhere, then that's there problem. Care about what's important. Nothing else."
