Jul 30, 2011

"Rocky Horror..." Brought To You By Boys Town

Good people, the clips of The Rocky Horror Picture Show being shown on hulu.com are sponsored by Boys Town.

Boys Town provides "compassionate and effective care for today’s at-risk youth...through programs nationwide"

I gagged because I know one of the Boys Town's values is based on "supporting children and families in religious practices and values."

All I can say is that

a) folks at Boys Town didn't do their homework regarding being specific about what media content they wanted to sponsor

b) they have a gaggle of GLBT children in need of support and are reaching out to people that can roll with that

c) hulu.com drops sponsors where and when they need them, therefore, Boys Town is unaware of how they are being used.

I highly doubt scenario C, because I worked in mainstream media and all that shit regarding sponsorship is carefully calculated.

Watch some clips and see if Boys Town comes up. What is your take on this?


Reneé said...

Could it have been a charitable donation of spots by Hulu (tax write-off) and so they ended up tossed in the "whatever comes up" basket along with other charitable donations? Comcast kept NBC's shares in Hulu but doesn't have control, which means that everyone pretends Comcast isn't calling the shots. That machine is so big, and the layoffs so plentiful, that experienced eyes may not be there to prevent what could end up a publicity disaster.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

All I know is there were rumors last week that Hulu was up for sale... So, anything is possible!