Sep 14, 2009

Introducing Anthony Jose

Good people, my brother Anthony and his lovely wife Teresa have been blessed. Here is Anthony Jose. He has come into the family at 7 lbs. 14 oz. He has all his fingers and toes, and is doing well. Teresa is resting and her heart is filled with double amounts of love, and is recovering nicely. My brother Anthony is on cloud nine. This is his first child and he wants to be a daddy big time.

Welcome, Anthony Jose, your Tio and Tia decided we are going to call you A.J. We have tremendous love for you!

P.S. I can't wait for Marcos to see the pics. He's going to go ooooooh!


Princess Rei Rei said...

He is adorable! Cuteness runs in the family. Work

Allan S. said...

I heart Princess Rei Rei. One day, with permission I will tell you the amazing story of Princess Rei Rei. You will be amazed.

lelocolon said...

OoohHHH. He is adorable. Tell Anthony and Theresa good job. OoHH I love that baby. I want to hug him.

Reneé said...

He is a cutey and look at all of that hair.

Kyle Leach said...

Very cute. Wow, he has a lot of hair on that head of his. Allan congrats! Glad to hear all of the family pulled through the experience with flying colors. A very lucky child to have so much love surrounding him. Best wishes for the baby and all his family.

Joy said...

What a beautiful baby! He's greeted with love and support - the best gifts a person can have.

Wonder Man said...

he's cute