Dec 29, 2008

2009 Survival Manual - Addendum

Don't keep this on the T. Share this with all of your good people. Here is how one can receive all of the good blessing waiting for you in 2009:

1. Take the best care of your body that you can, at this moment in time. If the lumpy, bumpy, fleshy thing you move in this space is not healthy, than nothing will feel right. Like a peeble in your shoe, or even worse, dogshit on the bottom of your shoe. Everywhere you go smells like shit. Work at fueling yourslef as much as possible with things that turn to the sun for nourshiment. I struggle with this good people, but it's worth the battle.

2. Replace the negative with the positive. I hear all of yah moving air molecules as you huff and puff at this cliche idea. Motherfuckers, give it a motherfucking chance. Okay darlings? Replace hate with love. Remove fear with bravery. And, most important replace lies with truth.

3. Wonderment is a good thing. Find something new and exciting, green and inviting. Be life-long learners and get in the game. Get outside of yourself and your head and remember that the wise person knows, he or she knows nothing at all. The great mind studies ideas, the mediocre mind studies events, and the small mind studies people. Find the balance. Ya know I love my junk-food for the mind, but there has to be a balance.

I love you good people. You came into this world perfect, and sadly for some of you, others told or treated you differently. Dream big and put action into it, the Universe will assist you with the work you have done, make your dreams possible.

Happy New Year, ya crazy and adorable, High-Riding Bitches!


Joie Mayfield said...

Allan, Happy New Year! :)

Reneé said...

I have to say that 2008 has been a hatefully disgusting year for me personally, and outside of the joy of turning 40 I have been sorely disappointed. I cannot wait to kick '08 to the curb and ride my pumps into 2009; I sense good things comin' on the horizon.

Happy New Year!!!!

Todd HellsKitchen said...
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Todd HellsKitchen said...

Lovely post!

Happy New Year!!!!

Wonder Man said...

Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Allan!