Dec 3, 2008

Life on the Rock - Holiday Season

A few years back I worked at 75 Rockefeller Plaza. I had the perfect view of the Christmas tree. It was lovely to watch and despite the job becoming an emotional drain on me, I did appreciate my my view during those five years.

Here's a little secret about the tree. It's actually kinda scrawny, very Charlie Brown-ish. The weeks leading up to the lighting ceremony, they fill in the bare patches and thinned out areas with remnants from other trees. Yes, good people, the tree gets a weave job!

Also, all of the Rockettes wear really thick pantyhose that gives their legs a uniformed-skin tone and blemish free effect. Oh and they are not really all that tall. But, honey they got that synchronicity thing down!

Happy Holidays.


Joie Mayfield said...

That tree is absolutely gorgeous! The Rock Tree Weave job happened at Dollywood (theme park I used to work at), too.

Anonymous said...

I always thought the tree didn't look that full when they showed the men cutting it down. Now I know: it's the Tyra Banks of trees!

Todd HellsKitchen said...

OMG... I didn't know about the weave!

I did see the tree a week early when they were testing the lights and it was visible out the window behind Keith Olbermann...

I gotta get over there for pics this year...

Anonymous said...

That's funny Junior...and let's face it: Tyra does has beautiful weaves! But I did know about the pantyhose: they're very much like support hose, it gives them the energy they need while still staying lovely!!