Sep 24, 2008

Good For Him...and His Son

I have to give props to Clay Aiken, deciding that he would rather be a parent that believes living a life based on honesty. I know that one of the most important things we can teach any young person in our life, is that it is essential to love and respect yourself. You can't do that within the closet.

Life is hard at times. To not live it as your authentic self, whatever that may be at the time, will just make it more difficult. Take a deep breath Clay, the out in the open air smells sweet. Oye, Ricky take a cue from this act of self-liberation. It'll do you good.


Reneé said...

His kid is a cutie. I cannot believe how many of those Claymates are losing their shit over his "coming out"; they're all "praying him up" and putting their ovum back in mothballs. The fact that they didn't stand a chance with him, gay or straight, seems to be lost on them.

Wonder Man said...

I agree