Sep 12, 2008

Got Organic?

"Milk and meat from the offspring of cloned livestock are entering the U.S. food supply. The number of clones is on the rise, and no one is keeping track of all their offspring. In January, the Food and Drug Administration said products from cloned cattle, pigs and goats -- and their conventionally bred offspring -- are safe to eat....

"A USDA advisory panel ruled last year that clones and their offspring aren't compatible with the idea of organic foods. The USDA hasn't adopted the panel's recommendation, however, and is considering a broader ruling on livestock origin that would, among other things, address whether products from clones' offspring should be eligible for organic labels, Mr. [Bruce] Knight [USDA Undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs] said. The USDA is unlikely to make a final decision anytime soon."

Source: Jane Zhang and Julie Jargon, Wall Street Journal