Feb 8, 2008

The Twink Bitch Rocks It

Ok, I'm going to put it out there and just deal with the reality. This little twink ass, wet behind the ears, wasn't rasied right, little MoFo, Chrissy has got some fierce talent.

It rubs me wrong to have to give props to someone that is so arrogant. But, I have to say most, if not all of his creations I've adored. Let's be real people, the little queen has got some skills.

What she doesn't get is that she needs to check that attitude. Trust me when I say she will learn when she gets into the bigger pool that is infested with sharks. Humility is a lesson that we all learn at some point in time.

Mind you I am not saying she needs to learn to crawl into some shell. What she needs to be reminded of is that NO ONE makes it, or becomes successful on their own. She needs to understand that she has been blessed with talent and others will lift her to the heavens to make those talents realized.

I believe Miss Christian will learn this. I've seen glimpse of her humanity throughout the show. My concern is that her thinking will be clouded by her accerlerated moment into the spotlight. She needs to remember that many a finalists said to the judging panel "This is not the last you will see of me." The reality is that many who've said that, it was the last we saw of them.

The world is fierce Miss Christian. The fashion world if filled with twisted folk, that like to see others fail. What is new is replaced by the now that is easily consumed by the hunger for what is next. While time moves slow, humans have been trained to disregard the sanctuary that time can bless us with. Too many of us have forgotten how to take it all in. That is why no one reads books and bloggers feel the need to keep it short and sweet.

Have an amazing time at Fashion Week in NYC Miss Christian. I feel you've earned it, so now learn from it. It gets deep, dark and so undelicious from this point on. Just ask the other winners of Project Runway.

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