Mar 26, 2009

Why Britney Needed Real Time To Heal

Britney has recently launched her "Circus" tour. A couple of the yungins in my family adore her. I've been honest to them about not being on the same page. Here are some reasons why:

- She continues to tell young girls that being sexy/skanky is the best way to be successful as a musical artist. I'm cool with some slap and tickle, but not when it comes from a contrived place, lacking self-empowerment.

- She performs live lip-synching. Drag queens have been singing live with their own voices for sometime now. Get with the times Brit, you are so 80s.

- She is contributing to making fetish a thing you buy at the mall. I see tasseled pasties a big sell this spring.

- Didn't Madonna use this concept in her Girlie Tour show? Copycat!

- She agreed to putting leather harnesses on boy dancers, that would run screaming into the night, if they went to a real leather club and saw leather queens enjoying a fisting-fucking-felching-frenzy. They would probably say "ewwww" if they saw a blossoming rosebud.

- She married her backup dancer that divorced her. Now, he's raising her kids and spending her coins. BTW Kevin is looking quite sad. Not cute nor fun to be a parasite.

- In her music she has recycled just about every lyric that was cute 20 years ago.

- She let the puppet masters control her strings.

- She didn't get off the fame ride to take care of herself. When she shaved her head that was the universe telling her, "Start anew, do the real work, find out who you are and what will truly sustain you."

I know, I know, good people, I'm gossiping again and taking another person's inventory. I have the courage to change and will try a new approach tomorrow. Peace.


Bob said...

You may be gossiping, but you're tellin' it like it is, m'kay?

Reneé said...

I said months ago on another blog that it was way too soon for her to be doing anything but going to psych appointments. She's living in a tightly controlled environment and meds are the only thing keeping her manageable. I feel bad for her because when she finally ages out of the process she's going to be tossed on the heap discarded celebrities. Her family will be left to keep her off the streets and away from people looking to exploit her for money.